As I sit here, the first bands of rain are moistening the ground. Light gusts of wind are sighing through the oaks in the yard. Cloud cover is near complete, but lighter patches create a mosaic of false hope. Smells of food in the oven permeate the house creating a cozy feel. Pantries full to bursting were augmented by a footlocker of camp ready foods. The battery of socially responsible appliances are fortified by a gamut of off grid capable equipment. The menu has been arranged in a way to be ever less reliant on mains power.
Batteries and storage banks have been freshened, radios are already set; one remains active in WX alert mode. My tech watch is set for barometric alert. The assortment of battery powered lights have their batteries installed and are ready for deployment.
We are monitoring the hurricane path with the tools available to us. The time to bug out was seven days ago, when there was time to completely leave the storm path. Now it is only a bug in situation. There is plenty of food, water is easy to procure if supplies run low. Plans are set to triage morale with group games and solo activities.
When faced with serious, catastrophic events such as this hurricane there are only options until the probability cone narrows. However, there are advanced warnings. You know a major event is imminent, it is not going to suddenly occur, and there is little chance for surprise. The steps to prepare for a hurricane are a prescription, and following it is simple. It does make for a working test of your abilities and gear. It also has the potential for testing skills and perserverence in the face of sudden catastrophe, like the collapse or destruction of your storm shelter. Even then, when forced to switch to a bug out plan in that situation, those plans get tested under stress.
My pen is ready, and the papers are being passed out, ready or not.